200way/Project 19 Tryout: Recap

It’s time for the 200way try out review! Even though it’s been two weeks, it’s better late than never.

How did it go?!

Well, it went. Surely, you’re all probably wondering if I got in invite. In fact, I did not. Nope, no invite to the 200way nor to Project 19. Honestly, looking at the golden ticket list on the website, very few people that were there in Eloy actually got invites. I’m assuming that most of those new names appearing there recently got invites at the event in SoCal in December or at the Sebastian event in November, because I didn’t see them in Eloy. I don’t feel bad knowing very few people got invites, because it’s not as if I am the only one missing out; lots of great flyers were there and they didn’t get the golden ticket yet.

How was the camp?

Awesome! I always like a good excuse to see people from all over the country. That aspect of skydive is so unique, having these friendships scattered all over, and getting to see each other at rad events. It builds my stoke for the upcoming events and is just one more reason I talk myself into stomaching the high costs of chasing bigways and records, because they sure do cost a pretty penny.

Despite the clouds, I had an amazing weekend. Saturday, we had intermittent clouds all day and we started jumping a few hours after our meet-up time. Instead of doing 15k passes with two planes, we aimed for several single plane formations from 13,500 (or whatever we could get). My group luckily made it to full altitude every jump but a couple other groups only got 9k. One load ended up just being a whole plane of hop and pops.

Sunday, the clouds vanished and we got 15k+ with both planes. Two plane shots are simply delightful. I love the sight picture, watching two airplanes just poop people into the sky. It’s a magic, watching the base shape out and the formation build. 40 people in the air is such fun. Some people dislike the spicy aspects of bigway like break-off and all those canopies in the sky, but I like it. I like keeping my head on a swivel. I can’t wait for the opportunity to do even bigger freefly jumps; bring on the 60ways! The world I came from (belly flying) has so many two and three plane events, like the Arizona Challenge and P3 events. In my discipline-switch, I was surprised by how infrequent these same type of events are in freeflying. I’m looking forward to these type of events becoming run-of-the mill, instead of a big ordeal, like a tryout or a elites-only type event.

How did I fly?

I’m pretty pleased! Overall, I was way less nervous than I expected to be. Even though it’s been months since I did any real big way practice, i managed to stave off my nerves pretty well (lots of mindful breathing).

The first day, I dove from near the back of the plane, docking as a bridgeline-whacker-boogery person. Our pod didn’t build so I just waited mostly, trying to calm all the wiggles out of my legs and the spasms out of my arms. Honestly, I didn’t mind not docking. I was relieved, not worrying about actually touching anything. After diving a little slow on one of the jumps, I resolved to diving much faster the next dive. On the following dive, I tried so hard. The wind was SO loud and I was going SO FAST. Only, I just realized I forgot my earplugs and probably wasn’t diving any faster. Oopsies.

The second day, my position in the formation was a similar slot but approaching from a skyvan float. I sat right by the door: Holy Icicles Batman. Anyway, that slot made for a fun approach despite the fact that my skyvan exit isn’t great. And I touched the formation! Several times! On every load I was allowed to (the first jump, only the base and the first stingers were allowed to dock). I even got a compliment after the camp for flying with quiet legs. Truly, a reward all in itself, although an invite would have been better. On the last jump of the day, I got to sub in as 2nd stinger for the pod which was a huge improvement because I sat 2 people away from the door and didn’t freeze my teeth out for one plane ride at least.

What’s my plan?

Keep on keeping on. My mental game desperately needs a tune up. I’ve mostly stopped meditating and have not been diligent about regularly visualizing. It certainly shows. My brain is mushy. When I try to visualize, my mind can’t focus as well. I don’t see the mental pictures as clearly. When I try to do my mindful breathing in the plane, trying to find that midpoint between calm and amped, I get distracted by thinking. I gotta sharpen my skills up again!

Goals: 1) Visualize every day in Feb 2) Meditate 5 minutes a day 3) Keep on going to events
I’ll see y’all in Sebastian in February, at Eloy in March, and Houston in April

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