About Me

Hi! I’m Tamara and I love to skydive. I like to have an outlet to spew my thoughts; this blog is where I vomit all my skydiving thoughts for the world to read.

Who Am I?

I’m a regular skydiver! I live in Northern California and I call Skydive California my home dropzone. These days, I mostly freefly, but I spent a lot of time flying around on my tum in the before days. I love competition skydiving and you can always find me at Nationals. I love load organizing too. (If you’ve got a boogie and you need an organizer, hit me up!) This year, I’ve been invited to be on the 200way head down record attemps and the Women’s Project 19 102way attempts.

P19 Photoshoot


I got my A license at Skydive Elsinore in 2014 then promptly moved to San Francisco and stopped skydiving for a year. By the very end of 2015, I was back and bopping around the DZs up in NorCal, jumping mostly at Bay Area Skydive. Late 2016, I moved on to Colorado jumping wherever I could, and often traveling for team training and events. In 2020, I moved to SoCal calling Skydive Elsinore my home and burning money at the Oceanside tunnel as fast as possible.

While living in Colorado, I got really, really into belly. I went through the Mobile Mentor program with the Women’s Skydiving Network taught by Christy Frikken, learning how to load organize and coach newer women in the sport. I load organized a ton in the area, which really taught me a lot about how to fly and I organized regular 2way, 3way, and 4way tunnel events for belly flyers in Colorado.

At the time, I flew competitive 4way and 8way for a couple of years too.

5280 Flyers: Intermediate 4way FS 2018
Funky Nuggets: Intermediate 8way FS 2018 (bronze)
Stockholm Syndrome: Intermediate 4way FS 2019 (silver)
Perris Riot: Open 8way FS 2019
XPG4: Open 4way FS Indoor 2019-2020 (women’s gold)


AFFI: Skydiving coaching and theory has always interested me. I have had my coach rating (I love coaching) and my tandem rating (never used it). I’m hoping to get my AFFI rating sometime in the nearish future, and even use it! I think I’d love the teaching and the spice.

Regular Tunnel Nights in NorCal: I’d love to start organizing regular tunnel nights to fly VFS at iFly SF bay. Now I just gotta find time to fit it in.

Wing suiting! I tried wingsuiting this spring and it’s awesome! I can’t wait to get my new canopy and find a wingsuit. Ready to hit it hard!

Paragliding: Working on getting my P2 to see where that takes me.


I am originally from the Midwest and have zillions of hobbies: running, yoga, cooking, gardening, reading. I love eating popcorn. I do software nonsense for dollars.

Me and my super cute boyfriend competing in MFS